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Postmodernism in the 1970's
- Media and culture becomes dependent on photos
- people start to believe photos more than reality
- shaping our psyche
- redefining our identity
- shifts from being objective to subjective, situational
- Pop Art
- appropriated mainstream culture
- Commercialism
- Edward Weston
- sex sells
- puts the woman in the position of power
- still vulnerable bc she's half naked
- The Male Gaze™
- Frank Majore
- Blue Martini, 1983
- includes marlboro brand
- places in gallery
- the lighting influences the interpretation of the painting
- Bollinger advertisement
- Appropriation
- postmodernists believed originality was no longer possible
- mocks the concept of the culture of images
- the quality of the photograph is less important
- Richard Prince
- photographed magazine advertisements, blew them up, and displayed them in galleries
- marlboro man
- Sherrie Levine
- copies famous pictures
- the pictures stop belonging to the photographer, now belongs to the culture
- photo of a photo
- mocking the intention of the photograph
- Recap
- doesn't have a specific style
- beyond expectations
- expands the idea of what art is
- everybody uses it
- didn't have to prove photography is high art
- pure originality is impossible
- pictorial intertextuality - all pictures are seen through other pictures
- photography about photography
- Mark Klett
- created the term re-photography
- recreated 19th century photographs
- rephotographic survey project
- began in 1977
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