Early History (1839-1970s)
- camera obscura
- used as help for drawing compositions
- pinhole cameras
- First photograph
- 1826
- Nicephore
- pewter plate
- exposed for 8 hours
- contact printed
- made silver photography, works with daguerre
- Daguerreotype
- 1838
- Calotypes
- William Fox Talbot and John Herschel
- patented 1841
- predecessor to today's chemical film
- Photography becomes popular
- publicized
- many people wanted their portrait
- Tintypes
- Hamilton Smith
- 1860
- more permanent, durable, non-perishable, more clear
- George Eastman
- Kodak camera in 1888
- popularized roll film
- more convenient
- brownie camera in 1901
- made photography very popular
- Color photography
- first in 1861 using three color method suggested by James Clerk Maxwell and taken by Thomas Sutton
- first printed on paper in 1872
- Autochrome
- Lumiere brothers
- first commercially successful color process
- Kodachrome
- first commercially viable color film
- Transformed perception of the medium
- Eadweard Muybridge's horse galloping
- new form of scientific method
- photojournalism
- artistic aesthetic
- Alfred Stieglitz
- Edward Stichen
- photo secessionists
- challenged what photography is
- decisive moment
- against pictorialism
- Industrialization, new technology
- August Sander
- journal photographer
- systematically documents people in Germany
- 250,000 people
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